Circuit Alain Prost

Circuit Alain Prost : inauguration du circuit de karting du Mans

Alain Prost, quatre fois champion du monde de Formule 1, est venu inaugurer le circuit international de karting du Mans.
Pour l’occasion, Alain Prost a piloter les karting.
reportage vidéo l’équipe 21 TV

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1 réponse

  1. Aakarshdit :

    Thanks for your answer, but It aprpeas that the 1994 Senna (Bell M3) and the 1993 Senna (Shoei X-Four) are not real Bell and Shoei model helmets. They are the Argentinian mold cast copy. You can tell because the Bell is missing the vents on the front and the Shoei is missing the visor lock.